Fund Structures
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Design model portfolios to help the financial advisors in your network incorporate alternatives in client portfolios more efficiently. By combining multiple strategies across alternative asset classes into a single, objectives-oriented portfolio, model portfolios can streamline how advisors allocate to private markets and hedge fund strategies.
Fund Structures
Minimum Investments
Tax Reporting
Accreditation Levels
Asset Classes
Risk-Return Profiles
Model portfolios can be a step into the end-to-end alternative investment transaction experience on the CAIS platform. Whether an advisor wants to allocate to many products within one account or many accounts into one product, they can do it on our platform.
CAIS Advisors can work with you to tailor models to clients’ specific objectives, based on your team’s own capital market assumptions as well as your preferred risk-return profiles, accreditation levels, fund structures, and more.
Starting in Q2 2025, advisors in your network can gain access to CAIS Advisors Models1 via the CAIS platform. Each model incorporates strategic asset allocation—in line with investment considerations common among financial advisors—and a selection of alternative asset managers and strategies available on the CAIS Marketplace.
Allow your advisors to select from a range of alternative investment models developed by leading alternative asset managers. CAIS is working to onboard single-manager, multi-asset model portfolios from Ares Management, BlackRock, Blue Owl, Carlyle, Franklin Templeton, and KKR, with plans to add more managers over time.
By integrating model portfolios into our platform’s trade workflows, you can implement alternative multi-strategy portfolios across accounts more efficiently. You can also use CAIS Compass to analyze the potential impact of model-based allocations on a broader portfolio.
Gain market insights and improve your alternative investment knowledge through articles, videos, and other educational resources from the CAIS team.